Grade 6

Here are the videos from Miss Makhene.

Soil Erosion

What is a Fungus?

Types of Soil

Three Types of Rock

Grade 6 NS - Layers of Soil for Kids

Grade 6 Earthquakes Websites IT/NS

Bedreigde Spesies (Endagered animals)





Grade 6 -- Geography -- Term 2

 Following the weather

The web-site to use to follow the weather in your cities is:
You will need to visit this web-site on or before 27 May, 23 June, 20 July and 23 September

Climate video-clips.

The following video-clips contain information about the different climate types:

Fungi Flyer websites:

Grade 6 Video for Natural Science 

Grade 6 Geography Term 1 2016

Background to lines of latitude (p. 6)
EDS Latitude and Longitude

Movement of the sun through lines of latitude (p. 9)

Background information to lines of longitude (p. 15)
EDS Latitude and Longitude.

Longitude and time zones (p. 17)

Understanding time zones.

Homework activity on Time zones (p. 19)
Strangest time zones in the world

Latitude and Longitude quizzes (p. 22)
Rags to Riches: quiz on longitude and latitude concepts:

Music- Grade 6 & 7 combined item
Please learn the words and practise your part using this video.

Following the weather

The web-site to use to follow the weather in your cities is:

You will need to visit this site to check the weather during the following weeks:
11-15 May
1-5 June
Between 15 June and 30 June.

Remember to record your information on the worksheets.

Newsela --
Newsela is a current events web-site. From time to time, Mrs Brandt will post articles onthis web-site for you to read. Make use of the handout given to you in class in order to sign up.

The sign up details for each class are:

Grade 6B 
Sign-up code: Y8MFWT

Grade 6C
Sign-up code: 6GASNX

Grade 6P
Sign-up code: 6P935N

Grade 6 Fungi Flyers

Gr 6 NS/IT project  7 March 2016

Useful websites to use for making your Fungi Flyer:

Grade 6 Concert Dance Video

Grade 6’s, please watch the link below and complete the instructions at the end of the video. We will do an activity in class. Have fun J

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